Hester Homework & Daily Announcements

Hester HW and Daily Announcements: https://d84.powerschool.com/bulletin/840021002/
Ms. Zill's student artwork..........Mrs. Castaneda's music class website..........Ms. Zill's art room blog .........Mrs. Petrin's Digital Literacy Class
Twitter: Hester Jr. High (@HesterJrHigh) Ms. Zill (@dustyartroom) Mr. Trotter (@GTrottr) Mrs. Petrin (@sarahpetrin)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you to all of the parents and students who came out to Hester Jr. High's report card pick up on Nov. 6th and 7th, 2013.  We had a total of  362 report cards picked up over both nights.  That works out to 85.4%. That smashes our recent history record (from last year) of 319.  I could not be more proud of our school!
Our fantastic Hester teachers conducted nearly 1400 parent conferences in two nights, WHEW!

Thank you also to our Hester community for your continued support in the success of our students! We couldn't do it without you!

For my Hester Wildcats:
6th grade met your 90% goal with 91% of report cards picked up.  You have earned an afternoon of popcorn and a movie, CONGRATULATIONS!
7th grade,  84% of your report cards were picked up. Still a very admirable job.
8th grade,  82% of your report cards were picked up. Also a very admirable job.

Although 7th and 8th grade did not meet the 90% goal we set for a grade-wide reward............I am open to being convinced that the reward should be given anyway.

Students or groups of students may post your well-crafted arguments as to why your grade-level should still receive the reward. I will take submissions until the end of the day Tuesday.  If you make an argument as a group, be sure to sign it from all members.  YOU MAY GET HELP FROM YOUR TEACHERS.
I can't wait to hear your arguments!
I would also love for you to share how many of you were able to get your report card picked up when it had not been picked up before. Share your success!


  1. Ok, I think I speak for all the 8th graders that we should still receive our prize! Although, we did not meet the required goal of 90% report card pick-up, we did crush the goal for all around school record! You would have never met the goal without the 8th graders NOR 7th graders!! I personally think EVERYONE should be rewarded for this great success! It takes more than one person (or grade in this case) to make them HEAR US ROAR!!!!!

  2. I think that all 8th grader should get a special prize because, we have been working hard to get good grades. Plus you would have not met the goal with out us. It makes more than one person to reach a goal.

  3. I agree that it did take the 7th and the 8th grade to meet the overall goal. However, I am not quite convinced yet.
    But I would like to hear more about how you were able to get more 7th and 8th graders than ever before to attend.
