Hester Homework & Daily Announcements

Hester HW and Daily Announcements: https://d84.powerschool.com/bulletin/840021002/
Ms. Zill's student artwork..........Mrs. Castaneda's music class website..........Ms. Zill's art room blog .........Mrs. Petrin's Digital Literacy Class
Twitter: Hester Jr. High (@HesterJrHigh) Ms. Zill (@dustyartroom) Mr. Trotter (@GTrottr) Mrs. Petrin (@sarahpetrin)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Spelling Bee 1/21/14

Congratulations to all of the participants in the school Spelling Bee last night.  After weeks of practice it was 6th grader Jenna L. who buzzed her way to the top of the group.  Congratulations Jenna! Jenna will represent Hester at the regional spelling bee at McClure Jr. High in Western Springs in February.
Thank you to all of our spelling champs: Nicole T., Alex V., Paul P., Karolina M., Elliott S., Chris Z., Victor R., Leslie A., Anthony V. and our second runner up, Jamie O.   


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Recent Pictures

7:30 a.m. Grease rehearsal 1/16/14

                                          WW I Trench warfare models 8th grade Social Studies

6th grade science 1/16/14 Sublimation

Monday, January 13, 2014

Zombies! 1/13/14 7th grade S.S.

After resting our legs in our last location, we paddle to this island that was used by the British as a prison colony. There are so many sights to see and very few zombies to flee. The ease of mobility allows us to take in the sights, but not for long. Along our way, we find Mr. Esker swimming in this reef that can be seen from space. Mr. Esker tells us that there is plenty of food and safety in this city named after a popular song written by Brett Dennen. (For an extra point, tell me where "a lot of good looking people are living.") All the sudden, zombies start popping up from everywhere. Mr. Esker's information turns out to be false. We flee this city only to be confronted with this wide open space of land that is called what? Hint: It is also a name of a Subaru. Along our walkabout in this space, we come across this indigenous group of people known for living off the land. To our amazement, we find Mr. Esker singing "She Talks to Angles" with one of these natives. However, instead of Mr. Esker rocking the guitar, a native man plays this elongated instrument indigenous to the island. All of this fun has tired us out and it's time once again to rest. Keep a watchful eye, as zombies aren't the only creepers lurking around. Beware of this infamous animal known for having the world's strongest bite. Sleep well.

There are 8 possible clues!

Friday, January 10, 2014

She Talks to Angles. Geometry set to music by Mr. Esker

Not only can he teach mathematics, he can sing and play the guitar!  Mr. Esker's 7th grade math classes were treated to his original adaptation of The Black Crowes song, She Talks to Angels.  
His version, She Talks to Angles, is sure to be moving up the charts on its way to being the number one Math song of 2014!

Click below to sneak a peek into Mr. Esker's math class today.


She always mentions the word obtuse
In certain company
She tell you she's acute
After you measure her degrees

She measures 90 degrees right now
In terms of size and time
She draws a line for 180
Straight angle makes everything alright

Says she talks to angles
Calls them out by their name
Oh yeah....she talks to angles
Draws them out by their name

She keeps a protractor in her pocket
She keeps a compass in her desk
Yeah....The protractor measures angles
And the compass is something she has not set....not yet

Says she talks to angles
Calls them out by their name
Oh yeah....she talks to angles
Draws them out by their name

She'll always discover
No pair goes unseen
All the way to 360
But she knows....they'll never exceed

Thursday, January 9, 2014

8th grade P.E. Tinikling Jan. 10 UPDATED

November 20th:  These unidentified 8th grade Hester feet are just starting to learn Tinikling, a traditional Phillipine Folk dance.  Not bad for day one! Check back in a few days and I will try to post an update on their dance progress.

UPDATE January 10, 2013   Nice Improvement!!!