Just an average day at Hester Jr. High!
I've had this idea of documenting as much of one day as possible for a long time and I was finally able to do it on Valentine's Day!
Below are all the pictures that were worth posting. There was even more going on, but I'm not so skilled with the camera on my new phone so some pictures were not that great!
Feel free to leave me some feedback!
Mr. Grady & Mr. Lawrence 8th grade math groups Mrs. Reyes Reading Lab
Mr. Cronin's 6th gr. Social Studies, "Change the World" projects
Mr. Esker's 7th grade math, probability games
Mr. Richardson's 6th grade science class, kintec energy roller coasters
Ms. Zill's art class, 8th graders working on clay projects
Screen printing & clay Ms. Chavez's 7th grade science sound lab ....more sound
More displayed art at Hester
Grease! The Muscial practice at lunch-Mrs.Castaneda (above left)
6th grade literature circles-Mrs. Yaussy (above right)
Students using our new and evolving reading nook in the library (above right)
Mrs. Petrin-Integrated Enrichment, Study Island, Fakebook, and computer coding
Mrs. Jahn 6th grade lit. circle projects (game board)
Mr. Mak, STEM class (above & below)
Marble drop challenge (above)
Hard to tell from the pic below-2014 Sochi Olympics Luge Physics lesson
Mrs. Hawerbier's 6th grade math class practicing math extended response questions (above left)
Mrs. A'Hearn's 8th gr. Soc. St. class watching and responding to The Week In Rap video (above right)
Mrs. Bernath's 8th grade LA class writes a portion of their career project assignment
Mrs. Keller's 7th grade Lit. class creates eyeball "point of view" pics (both pics above)
What else did I see? Thanks for asking..........
-Students graphing their own math grades
-Students making blueberry dip
-Students discussing Bullying and 'causes' of bullying, and things bullies say and why
-Students working in Read180 software and grading student-created tests that the teacher took!
-Students watching an Eco-Challenge video and realizing that P.E. isn't so bad after all.....
-Students using an iPad to film teacher interviews for Fitness Night
-Students showing off their final projects in SS using Minecraft, Prezi, Powerpoint, and more!
-Students checking out books, listening to book talks, and learning how to search online effectively
-Students using Khan Academy math activities to build skills and working through word problems
-Students practicing their calculator skills while taking an 8th grade math test
-Students reviewing their Valentine's Day conversation heart writing assignment
-Students editing a paragraph for correct grammar
-Students watching a TED talk on brain research (including the speaker holding a real brain at one point!)
-Students writing Valentine's to someone special
-Students utilizing the library computer lab to create projects to show their mastery of learning targets
Hester Wildcats ROAR!